Monday, May 1, 2017

My favorite assignments and why

These are my favorite assignments ranked 1-6.

  1. Rhythmic Edit - This project prompt gave me a good mental idea of what my project was going to look like. This also allowed me to be humorous and absurd. I also had a lot of fun making this.
  2. Stop-Motion - I initially thought the project was going to be tedious and mundane, but I had a really great time making this project! I am not a good drawer, so my favorite mode of animation was the magazine cutout method. I can see myself making more films like this in the future. I also loved doing the sound design for this film. I can see myself designing sound for animators in the future. 
  3. 360 - Viewing this with the headset made it all worth it. I'd love to shoot a music video in 3D in the future. Like a virtual "concert" of sorts.
  4. Video Letter - I didn't necessarily like my own film in this category, but for the rest of the class, this produced some of their best work!
  5. Crowdsourcing - The final project was very cool, but I did not enjoy drawing all of my own frames. Like I said earlier, I am not a gifted drawer.
  6. Manipulation - This was a great intro to the class, but at the end of the day, it is the least fascinating project to me.